Can Everyone Beat Drug Addiction?

Can Everyone Beat Drug Addiction?

Everyone who is addicted has the potential to beat drug addiction once and for all. Like everything else, if one puts one’s mind and 100% effort into it, one can accomplish this seemingly unlikely feat.

It’s important to take note that beating addiction for good does not happen overnight. To help you in this life-changing endeavor, it’s best to avail the services of a trusted rehabilitation facility instead of making yourself quit cold turkey.

How to Stop Abusing Drugs and Start Recovery

Some people have a harder time beating drug addiction than others. It might be because they’re genetically inclined towards becoming addicted, their bodies are more sensitive towards certain drugs and their addictive properties, they have deeper psychological trauma or personal issues, or they possess addictive personalities. Here are the key things to remember:

  • When Sobriety Seems Far Away: If you’re dealing with drug addiction, becoming sober might seem like an impossible dream to achieve. This is because you’re in the middle of the chaos of addiction, when your impulse reigns supreme and the effects of substance abuse on your brain muddle your perception.
  • Recovery Is Within Your Reach: However, recovery is always within your reach despite the seeming hopelessness of your situation and condition. You simply need to get the right support and treatment from a quality rehabilitation center. You should also cooperate and be open and honest with your sponsors and counselors in finding out the root cause of your addiction.
  • Various Reasons and Focusing on Change: It can be from psychological, physical, accidental, pharmaceutical, or recreational reasons. It’s important that you don’t give up even if you’ve tried to quit and failed in the past.
  • The road towards drug addiction recovery is fraught with peril, pitfalls, bumps, setbacks, and problems. However, examining your issues and focusing on change means you’re in the right track.

You Should Decide to Make a Change

As many addicts can attest to, the toughest step towards sobriety or recovering from addiction is the first step. You need to admit you have a problem and decide to make a change first in order to be on the right track towards beating addiction.

Committing towards being sober requires many changes in you and your life, which includes the following:

  • How stress in your life is dealt with.
  • Who are the people you allow into your life.
  • What sort of activities you indulge in during your free time.
  • How you view yourself and how high or low your self-esteem is.

Yes, you will have your doubts and you might not feel prepared to change. You might even feel uncertain about your ability to quit at all. Acknowledge these feelings of helplessness. Don’t punish yourself for feeling torn.

Changing Yourself for Sobriety Requires Commitment

Don’t feel ashamed about feeling conflicted about giving up your drug or substance of choice. Many people use drugs as a means to cope with problems, although there are high-functioning addicts who also get addicted to drugs by accident while still maintaining their job and family in the process. In other words:

  • Slippery Slope: Addiction remains a destructive slippery slope that you should get rid of post haste. Don’t wait for your addiction to get so bad that it’s ruining your life.
  • Go to Rehab Immediately: Once you realize you have a problem and it’s affecting your life, relationships or health, you should go to rehab immediately even before the problems it’s causing in your life starts becoming worse. Your impulsiveness rises while addicted.
  • Altered Brain Structure: Your brain structure has also been altered from prolonged substance abuse, thus requiring just as much change towards recovery so that you can go back to your original sober state.
  • What It Takes to Recover: Recovery requires support, motivation, commitment and time. As an addict, you need caretakers who can give you a continuous stream of caring and treatment that only an in-patient rehab center service can truly provide.

Thinking about Change for the Sake of Recovery

It’s all right to first consider your situation before bracing yourself and committing yourself to changing for the better. The first step to change is, after all, realizing that you need change in your life.

  • Keep Track of Drug Use: You can start off by keeping track of your drug use. List down when you use drugs and how much of it you use. This will enable you to have a better sense of addiction’s role in your life.
  • List Down the Pros and Cons of Quitting Drugs: Make a list of the pros and cons of quitting. In particular, take note of the cost and benefits of continuing your drug use.
  • While to some people, the cons should obviously outweigh the pros, a drug addict typically requires listing everything down to really grasp the gravity of the situation.
  • Consider Your Priorities: At this point, you should know the things that are important to you. It may be your spouse or partner, your children, your pets, your job security, or your health. How does drug addiction affect them?
  • Ask Someone You Trust and Yourself: Ask someone close to you and whom you trust what he or she feels about your drug use. Now ask yourself if there’s anything that’s preventing you from changing your drug habits.
  • What can assist you in making that change? What’s keeping you from seeking help? Are you still in denial in regards to your drug problem? Are you using drugs as a magic pill to cope with your life?

Preparing for Change Towards Sobriety

There is a multitude of ways you can prepare yourself for change even before you step into a rehab center.

  • Reasons for Sobriety: Remember the reasons you wish to change yourself for the better towards sobriety. Recall your past recovery attempts, if there are any. What are the things you did that worked? What are the things that didn’t work?
  • Setting Realistic Goals: You should also set unambiguous, realistic, and measurable goals for yourself, even if it’s something as simple as completing rehabilitation. Or you could limit on your drug use. Or you can pencil in a starting date on your substance abuse cessation.
  • Change Your Outlook from the Start: Don’t only depend on rehab to get you to kick your habit. You should also start changing your own outlook even before checking into a facility or checking out of it. Do stuff like removing reminders or horrible mementos of your addiction in your house.
  • Removing and Avoiding Reminders of Addiction: Get rid of those burned spoons and syringes! Avoid the bad influences in your neighborhood or workplace that led you to getting an addiction. Don’t go to the other places you usually frequent in order to get your supply of drugs.
  • Contact and/or Reestablish Ties with Family and Friends: It’s also important that you inform your family and friends that you’re entering rehab and you’re committed to recovery and sobriety. Also, ask for their forgiveness for your trespasses due to addiction and for their possible support.

Explore your Treatment Options

Once you realize the extent of your addiction, you should go to rehab. Don’t wait for your family and friends to stage an intervention. You yourself should willingly seek change and recovery.

You can’t just depend on rehab to do everything for you. You yourself are required to muster the motivation for sobriety and normalcy in order to make the whole rehab and recovery process work. In regards to your treatment choices during rehab, here are a couple of things to keep in mind:

  • There’s No One-Size-Fits-All Treatment: Your drug addiction recovery treatment will probably be individualized (and might include dual diagnosis if it’s available in your rehab center of choice) in order to address the fact that everyone’s needs are different. No one treatment works for all addicts, after all.
  • Treatment for drug addiction should be tailor-fit to one’s unique condition and situation. When searching for a rehab program or center, go with one that feels right for you to maximize your investment and future success. The best rehabilitation facilities address more than your substance abuse.
  • Addressing the Root of the Problem: There are many reasons for addiction. Some happen by accident with high-functioning addicts who are able to maintain a work-life balance despite or because of the substance/s they’re addicted to. Still others use drugs to cope with the difficulties of life. There are also those who self-medicate their pain with addictive prescription painkillers.
  • Addiction is something that influences every aspect of your life, including your psychological wellbeing, health, career, and relationships. Even if (think) you can still function while addicted, it’s imperative that you get treatment because this impulsiveness towards substance abuse is a slippery slope that will sooner or later ruin your life. Turning a new leaf is easier said than done but it’s not impossible.
  • Learning a New Way of Living: The success of your drug addiction rehab depends on the development of a new way of living. This lifestyle should specifically address the reasons why you’ve become addicted in the first place and implement effective measures towards preventing future addiction and substance abuse risks.
  • For instance, there are some addicts who’ve developed their drug dependency in order to help their stress management. It would be better for them to find healthier outlets of stress relief that doesn’t involve popping pills or turning to the bottle. For the high-functioning addicts, the conundrum lies with how drug usage coincides with their Type-A hyper-aggressive personalities.
  • Don’t Wait for Addiction Consequences to Happen: The stereotypical addict involves images of someone wretchedly burning spoons or using needles in order to get their next high. However, not all addicts appear like they do in the anti-drug TV commercials. Some addicts are highly successful adults despite or even because of their addiction to certain drugs, like rock stars.
  • They have a harder time accepting they have a problem because of the lack of consequences or their continued success in the realm of their careers or their family life. However, they shouldn’t wait for the other shoe to drop. They don’t need to suffer the fate of a crack addict to know that addiction is bad. It’s tough but they also need rehab in order to learn to succeed without cocaine, ecstasy, or acid usage.
  • The Key to Success Is Commitment and Follow-Through: There’s no such thing as quick-and-easy drug addiction treatment. Yes, there’s a set schedule for all rehab programs that can last upwards to 90 days. Some centers even offer promos wherein if the patient relapses, he can come back and undergo an additional 30 days of rehab at no extra cost, or some offer free “refresher” weeks every year.
  • The amount of rehabilitation and aftercare required is proportional to the length of time you’ve been abusing drugs. So the longer and more intense your usage of drugs, the longer and more intense your addiction treatment will be. It’s crucial for the patient to properly deal with follow-up care in the long term if he really wishes to get well and become sober.
  • The Many Places to Turn for Help: Not all addicts require medically supervised detoxification or an extended rehabilitation center stint. However, for those who have undergone severe substance abuse, these are all necessary treatments. The amount and type of care you require depends on multiple factors, including your psychiatric condition, medical condition, drug use history, and age.
  • Additionally, aside from psychologists and doctors, you can also get addiction treatment help and services from counselors, social workers, and clergy members. The highly regarded
  • Don’t Forget to Treat Your Other Conditions: When seeking help for your addiction issues, you should also get treatment for any other psychological or medical issues you might also have as well. These other sicknesses can be complications from your substance abuse, preexisting conditions exacerbated by your drug use, or issues that could’ve caused you to become addicted in the first place.
  • There’s such a thing as dual diagnosis program found in certain drug rehab centers that ensures more individualized therapy for the patient. These rehabilitation facilities take care not only of your addiction but also of your other health problems that may or may not be linked with your addiction as well. Just be warned that not all rehab programs allow dual diagnosis and some even turn away addicts who also have other diseases on top of addiction.
  • Look for Integrated Treatment: If you can get all your needs from one center or rehab program then it’s all for the best. You should avoid getting a piecemeal solution from multiple sources because you might end up with incomplete treatment. Like going to a clinic to get detoxification then going to a separate outpatient program for their rehabilitation and aftercare services.
  • It’s usually better to get integrative or holistic inpatient treatment that deals with your physical, mental, and spiritual/emotional needs (spiritual if it’s a religion-based program and emotional if it’s a more secular-based program). This is because such programs allow you to treat all your disorders in one lengthy retreat that takes into account how addiction depends from person to person and circumstance to circumstance.
  • You’re Not Alone: Don’t go about rehabilitation and substance abuse treatment alone. Or rather, you don’t have to deal with it alone. Even if drugs has estranged you from your wife and children or your friends and family, getting help by rehab can present you the opportunity to mend broken relationships and rebuild any bridges you’ve burned.
  • What’s more, it’s essential for you to get a solid support system going regardless of what treatment approach you ultimately decide on. It helps to have positive influences or sponsors that will show you the ropes on how to beat your addiction since they themselves were former addicts. You can also make new friends with your fellow patients when push comes to shove.
  • 10. Look for Complete Rehabilitation Resources: A truly effective alcohol and drug addiction treatment center should come equipped with the resources and manpower to provide complete holistic treatment. However, in spite of the existence of such rehab centers, as long as your heart isn’t set into recovery, you won’t succeed.
  • Your best bet at recovery might be from integrated treatment, whether it’s something holistic or a program that includes dual diagnosis and individualized therapy for its patients. Find a rehab program or substance abuse treatment program that combines mental and physical health therapy from the same team or provider.

In Conclusion

Everyone has the potential to beat addiction just as anyone has the potential to become addicted. It’s just that some people have a harder time kicking their bad habits and addiction issue compared to others. Substance abuse and drug addiction should be treated on a case-by-case basis to maximize your success.

You have to be committed to the cause of sobriety in order to achieve it. You should at the very least showcase the same amount of passion kicking the habit of substance abuse as you had in getting addicted to drugs in the first place. The more people you can turn to for a listening ear, a helping hand, encouragement, guidance, and so forth, the better your recovery chances are.

If you’re looking for a successful drug rehab, visit LANNA Rehab in Thailand.

Contact us today to learn about addiction treatments in our luxurious drug rehab.

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